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Standard Practice for Conducting Irradiations at Accelerator-Based Neutron Sources

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
ASTM 10/01/2016 13
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ASTM E798 – Standard Practice for Conducting Irradiations at Accelerator-Based Neutron Sources

1.1 This practice covers procedures for irradiations at accelerator-based neutron sources. The discussion focuses on two types of sources, namely nearly monoenergetic 14-MeV neutrons from the deuterium-tritium T(d,n) interaction, and broad spectrum neutrons from stopping deuterium beams in thick beryllium or lithium targets. However, most of the recommendations also apply to other types of accelerator-based sources, including spallation neutron sources (1).2 Interest in spallation sources has increased recently due to their development of high-power, high-flux sources for neutron scattering and their proposed use for transmutation of fission reactor waste (2).

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